80 Pounders

Commercial Laundry in and around Detroit, MI

If you own a business that generates dirty laundry, then let us help. We have professional launderers and commercial grade machines that can handle whatever type of laundry that you have. We will work with your schedule, and we will come to your location(s) as many times a week as you need us to. Let our commercial laundry service take something off of your plate.

We will work with the following commercial businesses and more:

  • Hotels
  • Motels
  • Short Term Rentals
  • Airbnb / VRBO
  • Salons
  • Spas
  • Gyms
  • Health Clubs
  • Colleges
  • Chiropractors
  • Medical Offices
  • Long Term Care Facilities

Don't worry if your type of business is not on the list. We will work with whatever you have to give us. Now servicing Birmingham, Detroit, Ferndale, Grosse Pointe, Madison Heights, and Royal Oak.

The laundry service price will depend on how much laundry you have, how often you want us to come out, and what type of laundry it is. Let us know your specific needs by clicking on the Request a Bid button.

Commercial Laundry Services for Airbnbs, VRBOs, HomeAway

Short term rentals often have a lot of laundry that needs to be done in a short amount of time. There are multiple sets of towels and bedding that need to be washed, dried and folded before your next guests arrive. Our Airbnb laundry service has a fast turnaround so you will always have clean linens when you need them. 


Commercial Laundry Services for Medical Facilities

There are many different types of medical facilities and each with their own laundry needs. Long term care facilities may need bedding done, as well as the personal laundry of their patients. Medical offices may need medical gowns and uniforms laundered, while hospitals may need scrubs, blankets and towels. Our medical laundry service is equipped to handle whatever type of laundry you have for us.

Commercial Laundry Services for Restaurants, Bars and Catering

If you own a restaurant, bar or catering business, you always want your linens to look pristine. That is easier said than done when there is food and drink involved. Some food items and some wines can leave some nasty stains. Our launderers know stain removing techniques that will get your linens looking good again. Our restaurant laundry service will wash everything from your tablecloths to your mop heads. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Students

Some students go off to college having never done their own laundry before. Others are experts but don't have the time to do their laundry. Before you are down to your last pair of clean underwear, try our student laundry service. We will wash, dry and fold your clothes for you so that you can concentrate on your studies instead of worrying about when you'll find the time to wash your clothes. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Gyms and Health Clubs

At gyms and health club's towels do double duty. They are used for after showering off, but they are also used for wiping down the workout equipment. Often patrons use them to wipe off their bodies as well. As a gym owner you want to be sure that those towels are clean before the next person uses them. Our towel cleaning service is ideal for the job. We will make sure you have clean, fresh smelling towels always at the ready. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Motels and Hotels

Motels and hotels often have their own laundry room. Both, however, have to do the laundry for every room in the facility, every day. If you have a full house, or one of your machines breaks down then you can get behind on your laundry pretty quickly. Our linen cleaning service is here to help. We will do some, or all, of your laundry. We have large, industrial machines that can do multiple loads at a time - ideal for the bedding and towels at your hotel or motel.