Laundry Van (1)

Pick Up and Delivery Near Detroit, MI

Detroit Laundry Service prides itself on providing a professional, high quality service to all of its customers. Our goal is to make your life a little easier. Just schedule a pick up when it is convenient for you. Our laundry delivery service will pick up your dirty clothes right off of your doorstep. Our expert launderers will take the utmost care when they launder your clothes. We know that some clothes hold sentimental value, so we treat every piece of laundry like it were our own. Then we deliver your clean clothes back to you the very next day! If you don't have the ability or the time to do your own laundry, try our laundry pickup service. You will never want to do your own laundry again.

How does Mobile Laundry Service work?


  • Schedule a pickup at a day and time that is convenient for you.
  • Our driver will text you when they are on their way.
  • You don't have to be home - just let us know the secure location where you are leaving your laundry.
  • Our driver will take your laundry to our laundry facility where it will be laundered according to your preferences.
  • Our laundry delivery service near Detroit will return your clean clothes the next day. 


"What if I want my laundry done a certain way?"

No problem! When you schedule our pickup laundry service there is a place called Special Laundry Instructions where you can let us know if you want your laundry done a certain way. There is also a section called Preferences where you can let us know if you have a stain that you want to call to our attention. 

We will separate your clothes for you and we use only premium, commercial grade detergent when we wash your clothes. We will even match up your socks. Try our laundry pick up and delivery near Detroit and let us do your laundry for you.

Pickup &
Delivery Service
Per Pound

**$40 Minimum Order

Pickup &
Delivery Service
(As Needed)
Per Pound

**$40 Minimum Order

We offer our wash and fold pick up and delivery near Detroit Monday through Friday, between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. You will get your clean clothes back the next day unless you have a Friday pickup. Friday's orders are returned on Monday. 

If you sign up for weekly or bi-weekly service the cost is only $2.40/lb. Just sign up once and we will come to your house automatically on the day and at the time you schedule us. If you can't be on a schedule or just want to use our service from time to time it is only $2.50/lb. There is a $40 minimum order.